Hello, what a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I stumbled upon your link up from another Wordless Wednesday hop. It's nice meeting you today. I was wondering, have you ever considered installing a language translator feature on your site? That would be so helpful for someone like me who can not read your blog. I recently added one on my site with the hopes of making my non-English speaking viewers experience more pleasant. If you would like, I invite you to join my WW linky party with Curious as a Cathy. Have a fototastic week!
Hello, what a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I stumbled upon your link up from another Wordless Wednesday hop. It's nice meeting you today. I was wondering, have you ever considered installing a language translator feature on your site? That would be so helpful for someone like me who can not read your blog. I recently added one on my site with the hopes of making my non-English speaking viewers experience more pleasant. If you would like, I invite you to join my WW linky party with Curious as a Cathy. Have a fototastic week!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much, Cathy!
Excellent photo Léo
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Roland!
Ștergeredouceur romantique...
Merci beaucoup, Francoise (Photodilettante}!